25 September 2017

Reject Dotard Donald T's Ministry USA

Donald T’s Ministry USA


Political language is designed to make lies sound
truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure



I am happy that I had the foresight to read Orwell’s “1984” and then
subsequently got familiar with his essay work. I am sorry that I never had
George Orwell as my literature, social studies, political science, Journalism,
or sociology professor because he would have made sure to document the truth
and to make sure that we use our language wisely and not abusively. Anytime
that you hear someone use the term “Orwellian” this means that language is
being abused and misused, this powerful tool that can both make and break
governments and human lives. The act of the criminal abuse of language gets the
great author’s name, “Orwellian” because he is the one who made us all aware of
it the same way that Darwin made us aware of evolution and Freud made us aware
of the subconscious. I am happy that I read Orwell’s disturbing and graphic
depiction of a totalitarian society but am now driven crazy by the knowledge it
has given me in this age of Trumpist and GOP Tea Bagger abuse of our liberties
and their use of the very tools that Orwell introduced in “1984”.

If you’ve read the novel, you are familiar with the 4 ruling ministries of
the Ingsoc party: The Ministry of Plenty, representing starvation and economic
inequality, the Ministry of Peace, representing war and the promotion of war,
the Ministry of Love, representing violence, torture, brainwashing, and hatred,
and the Ministry of Truth (the media), representing propaganda and lies. Note
that Orwell injects cruel and bitter irony into his novel in part through the
very words and very titles he gives to the totalitarian system that he created.
He added to his Ingsoc ideology, the notion of the mutability of the Past
(falsely revise the past to your benefit), Newspeak (creating a language to
limit thought), and Doublethink, the ideology that states you hold two
contradictory beliefs and use one or the other depending on how it benefits you
or your party, and forgetting that you ever held the opposite belief. Dotard
Donald T uses doublethink all the time with impunity. He invented the fake news
racist notion that President Obama was not a natural born US Citizen, and yet
complains that fake news is attempting to bring down his dictatorship. The
pernicious GOP of this era wants to take away health care for millions of Americans
and yet call their bill health care. Again, the fact that I am now seeing
Orwellian concepts acted out in front of me by my federal government is driving
me to climb up the walls so I can bang my bald head on my ceiling.

The entire goal of Dotard Donald T and his party is to dismantle our
federal government, the final arbiter of our protections against fiends like
the Dotard Donald T and his party. To carry out their nefarious plans, the GOP
must have gotten someone together with the semi-illiterate dotard, someone who
knows “1984” as well as I do and outlined for the fool a way to usurp human
rights while using the language to help. Check out what the GOP has called
their budgets or their health care proposals. I won’t list them now, but I depend
on you to see for yourselves. The title of their proposals seems to bode well
for the real people, but if you look within, you will always see a program that
rips apart the protections most vulnerable citizens need. If only we understood
that the GOP of this era wants nothing or little for the citizens of our
country but instead for those rich few who care little if the rest of us drown.

It disturbs me greatly that our precious federal government is under attack
by traitors who are dedicated to turning it slowly, surely, and cancerously
into Dotard Donald T’s Ministry USA where bitter horrific irony rules supreme. He
just appointed someone to head the consumer product safety board who is against
consumer safety. He appointed someone to head the FCC who wants to privatize
the internet. The Dotard Donald T has an education secretary against public
education. He has as head of his health and human services someone who does not
want to serve humans anything at all except their own children to eat. Let’s
not forget Sue It Scott Pruett, head of the Environmental Protection Agency who
hates the environment and his partner in grime and crime, Stinky Zinke, the
head the Interior Department who wants to sell our public lands to filthy oil.

Each of our departments keep their names, but their purpose is now the
opposite with the final goal being the dismantling of our federal government with
chaos to follow, ending in totalitarian rule for the former USA.

I am not fooled by the creeps now infesting our lives and our government.
There is still another 3 years and 4 months to go of this outrage with more
ugly damage to follow. Thankfully, more and more people are waking up and are
maybe learning to not take our democratic republic for granted. The
Frankenstein Monster was misunderstood and abandoned. He had, if anything, some
tragic pathos. The Frankenstein monster of the GOP has no pathos and no
humanity. We are left with bitter irony and worse if we allow our precious
country to be coopted by Dotard Donald T’s Ministry USA!

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